Wedding Invitation Video

Why Tel Aviv

A lot of people have asked us why we chose to celebrate our wedding in Israel. The confusion is understandable: Why would two non-Jews who live in the United States pick Tel Aviv?

We admit we could have chosen a more convenient location, but we promise that we made this decision with a lot of thought and care.

We are envisioning our wedding as a celebration of love. Love for each other, and equally important, the love and appreciation we have for the people who are most important to us. Every person who received an invitation has impacted our lives and is part of who we are today. It is a true privilege to have such amazing people in our lives, and we want to thank you by taking you on a unique adventure. That's why we are taking full advantage of inviting you to the one event in our lives that you can't decline, and using that chance to spend time together in an extraordinary country. 

Of all the places where we have lived or traveled, we find Israel to be the most fun and inspiring destination. It has had a significant impact on the way we see the world and has reinforced the values that our families raised us with: unconditional love and support for family and friends, an endless desire to learn, and a passion to embrace life fully. The people we have met there have reminded us to always focus on the good, no matter how difficult life can be. And that we need to work out more. Much more!

In addition to its values, Israel has so much to offer as a destination, from a rich history and culture to beautiful nature, diverse cuisine, relaxing beach life and a buzzing nightlife. With this diversity, we are sure that everyone will find something they enjoy, and we hope that you will leave inspired and carry something home with you. 

During the three days, we hope that you get a chance to connect with the most lovable and extraordinary group of people we know. We are so excited that you all get the chance to meet as we celebrate love, family, and friendship together. We can't wait to see you in Israel as we begin a new chapter in our lives!